Thursday 4 December 2014

It begins

So, I have finally done it.  I have started a blog.  (Does this mean I have joined the 20th century or the 21st?)
I have done this of course with an idea, but not much of a plan.  Which, I admit, is how I do most things it seems.  But if I think too much things don't seem to get done, so. . .well, sometimes it's best to just start and work things out as I go.  I haven't even chosen a photo yet.  I wonder what I should use.  Who shall I ask to take it?  As this blog is supposed to be primarily about knitting, I suppose the picture should involve some knitting.  Which piece?  What location?  How exciting this all is!  The questions.  The plans.  The possibilities.
Oh my, as I am a mother, as well as a knitter, and it is past bedtime I am going to have to leave this just as I am beginning.  But as I said earlier, after months of thinking about it I have started at last.  I will return soon I promise.
And maybe I'll have started a plan.

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