Monday 2 February 2015


So, it's a new year and an awfully long time since I posted my one post on this poor thing so here we go again.  I suppose before I do anything else I should introduce myself, in case someone who doesn't actually know me comes across this.
My name is Karen and I am a mother, an artist, a knitter, a cafe owner, worship team singer, assistant running coach, and now a would-be blogger.  I live in a small old house in a small town on the Georgian Bay in Ontario surrounded by beauty and small town intrigues.  And am somehow connected to everyone else on this planet with my laptop and my smart phone.  In short, I am a confused and creative, overworked human being in the early twenty-first century.
And I am working without a net.  Or at least without as much of a plan as I really should have.  And I suppose I am going to see what I can see and sort out what I can sort out as I write to everyone and no-one in my little blog.
So now that I have written a brief introduction of sorts, I will sign off and promise to be a more dedicated blogger as I go on.

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